The next meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the Old Tawonga Store on MONDAY 10th February, 2025 at 7.00pm.

Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the Old Tawonga Store on MONDAY 10th February, 2025 at 7.00pm.

The next meeting of the TDCA will be held at the Tawonga Hall (assuming the builders haven’t started the reno works) or the Old Tawonga Store on MONDAY 7TH AUGUST, 2024 @ 7pm. Come along for an update on all things Tawonga. See you there! Team Tawonga

The next meeting of the TDCA will be held at the Tawonga Hall (assuming the builders haven’t started the reno works) or the Old Tawonga Store on MONDAY 7TH AUGUST, 2024 @ 7pm.

Come along for an update on all things Tawonga.

See you there!

Team Tawonga

Mount Emu Planned burn

Tawonga Mt Emu is one of the Ovens district planned burns and we intend on delivering it this year.

At this stage it is on the scheduler for after Easter, however weather conditions are uncertain with a possibility of rain Sunday/Monday which will affect the fuel moistures and therefore the timing.

If you could pass onto your contacts that the best way to keep up to date is by using the Planned Burns Victoria website

By signing up they will receive text message notifications when a burn is scheduled within 10 days, when it is likely to be ignited within 48 hours and when it is ignited.

Ovens District Fuel Management

Forest, Fire and Regions | Department Energy, Environment and Climate Action

5338 Great Alpine Road, Ovens, Victoria 3737
T: 03 5731 1222 | E:

The next meeting of the Tawonga & District Community Association will be held on Monday 5th February, 2024 at 7pm at the Tawonga Hall

Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the TAWONGA HALL (or Old Tawonga Store if the Hall is unavailable) on MONDAY 5th FEBRUARY, 2024 at 7.00pm.

Please note that this meeting is open to all Tawonga and district community members.

Questions from the floor will be taken at the start of the meeting, but questions without notice may not be able to be answered at the meeting and will be held over to the following meeting (to be held in three months’ time).


Community Decorate Tawonga party a huge success!

Community Decorate Tawonga party a huge success!

Mrs Santa, Christmas crafts and plenty of smiles lit up Tawonga Pioneer Memorial Park on Sunday December 3. 

Tawonga & District Community Association played host to a Community Party that was open to everyone.

People from Tawonga and further afield flocked to the park bringing the Spirit of Christmas to Town

There were loads of activities like make-your-own Christmas decorations, a sausage sizzle, putting up decorations around the Park and of course a guest appearance by Mrs Santa herself, transported on “Cliffy”, Tawonga’s little white fire truck.

The community Christmas Tree was enthusiastically decorated as part of the evening’s activities.

The evening was very well attended and everyone who came along had a great time!

Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the TAWONGA HALL on MONDAY 6th November, 2023 at 7.00pm.



Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the TAWONGA HALL on MONDAY 7th AUGUST, 2023 at 7.00pm.

Please note that this meeting is open to all Tawonga and district community members.

Questions from the floor will be taken at the start of the meeting, but questions without notice may not be able to be answered at the meeting and will be held over to the following meeting (to be held in three months’ time).

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the Tawonga Hall on MONDAY 7th August, 2023 at the conclusion of the ordinary meeting.


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the Tawonga Hall on MONDAY 7th August, 2023 at the conclusion of the ordinary meeting.




In Attendance

Confirmation of Minutes

President’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Appointment of President 2023-2024

Appointment of Vice-President 2023-2024

Appointment of Secretary 2023-2024

Appointment of Treasurer 2023-2024

Appointment of Committee Members 2023-2024 (9 including the President/Vice-President/Secretary/Treasurer)

Appointment of Committee Members – Tawonga CFA 2023-2024 (2)


The next meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the Tawonga Hall on Monday 7th August, 2023 at 7pm. Come along and hear all about the Hall project and everything Tawonga.



Notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association will be held at the TAWONGA HALL on MONDAY 7th AUGUST, 2023 at 7.00pm.

Please note that this meeting is open to all Tawonga and district community members.

Questions from the floor will be taken at the start of the meeting, but questions without notice may not be able to be answered at the meeting and will be held over to the following meeting (to be held in three months’ time).



Mountain Creek and Trappers Gap area northeast of Mount Beauty UPDATE 27 July 2023

Please note the following update from:
Ben Merritt, Community Partnership Support Officer – Ovens District. Hume Region, Forest Fire Mangement Victoria.

I have previously sent you information about the bridge and road works that my department was conducting in the Mountain Creek and Trappers Gap area northeast of Mount Beauty.

I need to update you with 3 pieces of information

  1. Both Mountain Creek Road and Trappers Gap Road south of the Trappers Gap bridge, have been assessed as 4WD only roads. They are both currently unsuitable for AWD and 2WD traffic.
  2. Both Mountain Creek Road and Trappers Gap Road south of the Trappers Gap bridge will be temporarily closed to all traffic, if predicted rainfall will lead to traffic further damaging the road surface.
  3. Our statewide team have advised that bridge works will be conducted on the Mountain Creek Road between 31 July and 4 August.   Drivers are urged to use Gundowring Road and Kiewa Valley Highway.

For further information about road closures visit:


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