Commitee and Membership

In the Tawonga & District Community Association constitution, the purpose states:

To strengthen the community of Tawonga and surrounding district by:

  1. Developing a sense of ‘community’, exploring new ways to address disadvantage, encouraging community participation in projects and improvements for the  benefit of all residents and visitors;
  2. To explore opportunities for future development and growth by utilising skills and knowledge;
  3. Building relationships in and across the community and organizations and with all levels of government – Local, State and Federal, building on local strengths and assets;
  4. Identifying opportunities and formulate recommendations for new and improved community infrastructure and implementation of relevant community engagement practices.

The capacity of a community association is reflected by its level of membership which in turn strengthens the community fabric and the collective contribution towards future community opportunities and activities.

The focus of the TDCA is to promote an inclusive and collaborative environment.

The Committee meets quarterly and association members are welcome to attend. Meeting advice will be emailed to members prior to each meeting.

President: Mark Redmond
Vice President: Gina Sauervein
Secretary: Sue Ryder
Treasurer: Meryn Deans

Click here to complete a TDCA-Membership-Form.-Fillable.pdf or MS Word version TDCA-Membership-Form.word.doc and email to:  

The Committe meet quarterly at the Tawonga Memorial Hall at 6.00pm on the first Friday of the month in:

February – General Meeting
May – General Meeting
August – Annual General Meeting
November – General Meeting

The TDCA resolved to adopt the ‘Model Rules’ for an organisation as required by the Incorporations Act. The Model Rules can be located by clicking on this link Consumer Affairs Victoria 


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