Annual General Meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association was held at the Tawonga Hall on Friday 20th August, 2021

The Annual General Meeting of the Tawonga and District Community Association was held at the Tawonga Hall on Friday 20th August, 2021.

The committee were grateful for the attendance of Councillor Kelli Prime and Ruth Kneebone Executive Project Officer from the Alpine Shire Council.

Councillor Prime shared a personal introduction commenting that her role on the Alpine Shire Council is to work as an advocate for all in the community with her emphasis on sharing with the Council the values and priorities of her younger age cohort. She is passionate about recycling and waste reduction and improving people’s health and well-being. 

Ruth Kneebone introduced the Alpine Shire’s draft Community Vision 2040, formed by Council with extensive community consultation that outlines the aspirations and goals of the broad Alpine Shire community. Ruth continued with the companion document, a draft four-year Council Plan that outlines Council’s role and how it will pursue the aspirations and goals outlined in the Vision, in conjunction with the draft Municipal Public Health and Well-being Plan.

Elections of officer bearers for 2021 -22 was conducted by Councillor Prime and the committee welcome Mark Redmond to the Presidents role and Gina Sauervein to the role of Vice President.  We also welcome Sue Ryder back to the Secretary role and Meryn Deans back in the Treasurer role.

Welcome back also to committee members  Barb Talbot, Marie Lucas-Gear, Bruce Vine, Claire Lucas Gear and Melissa and Bruce Vine and Harold Coad as nominees to the TDCA on behalf of the Tawonga CFA. 

We also welcome Bruce Howie and Glen Woods to the TDCA Tawonga Hall sub-committee. 

Your current membership to the association is valued and new members are always welcomed!


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